Green Finger Food with a Bite
Indulge in a date of the very special kind and get yourself set up on a Green Date. These vegan and vegetarian finger food snacks will jump into everyone's frying pan or deep fryer or even go immediately into the oven. Easy to get your hands on, easy to get your teeth into and, thanks to our secret ingredient, with a bite that is extra #CrispAndCrunchy. It's all a big secret? Yes, we're not going to mention the tiger nuts just yet or you'll fall hopelessly in love with this lush superfood. So what is the feeling that you have in your mouth now? Everything tastes hunky dory, the real thing. What you see is what you get: apple, carrot, onion, peas, broccoli, bell pepper, sweet potato, courgette or beetroot, all as absolutely natural ingredients for your health-conscious diet. We've got nothing to hide here. Follow this new and natural range of snacks: they are vegan and vegetarian, gluten-free, certainly not genetically modified and as a purely plant-based food they match your profile exactly.
Natural Finger Food - So what do you fancy?
Nobody can ever resist crunchy finger food. You like it on the fiery side, a little bit exotic or maybe even classic? Or, best of all, everything all together? So that's what you'd really like! And that's why we've got a great selection of finger food on offer for you. Really natural vegan, vegetarian and super fresh and crisp finger food snacks in 6 flavours, all with a good helping of herbs and spices and all ready to take you on a culinary trip around the world. Go on your Green Date with Curry Kiss, Beet Affair, Kale Crush, Smokey Touch, Garden Quickie and Sunset Flirt. It's your choice and you decide how you want to have your carefully and lovingly prepared deep-frozen snacks. As a burger patty, croquettes, balls or as a mini cake? Or maybe you have some other outrageously indecent proposals? Then tell us because we want your Green Date to be an unforgettable experience for you. And we'll get the mould and the ingredients together to shape deep-frozen finger food exactly the way you want it!
Crunchy Finger Food - Our secret, super(food) power

It's exciting how crunchy finger food can change your life. Everything happens so fast, so easily and you're so aware of it. This Green Date with its finger food snacks fit for a party - that's what you've been waiting for all this time. The best thing about all this is that it is not just any old finger food but your very own superfood! And all thanks to the tiger nut, which has found an ideal platform here to show its extremely attractive and oh-so-crunchy side. And now it's too late, you've fallen head over heels for this Green Date. What a clever little finger food - you are so hooked already!
Finger Food Bites – Read up on all this to get in the mood for lush food!
Find out everything, get convinced and revved up by downloading the snack brochure. Learn everything about crunchy, deep-frozen finger food made with real ingredients à la Mother Nature. And when other deep-frozen snacks get the news, they're sure to turn almost green with envy. You can't keep your hands off this new and natural range of finger food and snacks? You don't have to. A health-conscious diet is exactly your scene. And, hey, don't forget, convenience means when your food satisfies you, not when it bloats you. Get the oven, frying pan or deep-fryer up and running, in with the deep-frozen snack and then just wait until it is really #CrispAndCrunchy. Whether it's a burger patty, croquettes, balls or a mini cake, when you choose a natural snack, it is always, naturally, a good decision. And it's a good way of satisfying your hunger for more adventure, too. Have fun with 6 excitingly exotic flavours that you can bring into your own home just as the fancy takes you. You know best what you like. And you know you want it!